How to configure an email server?

How to configure an email server? 


After you create an organization and configure general settings and policy settings, you can configure email server settings for outbound emails. The email server is used to send account invitation emails, reset password emails, alerts, and share emails. By default, the vBoxxCloud email service is configured for use immediately after an organization is created.

The system currently supports a multitude of email servers that you can configure for use with the system, including Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook. 

Note: The default email server is offered as a failover server. It is recommended that you implement your own email server to improve email bounce rates.


Email Errors

The administrative web portal exposes email errors when an email fails to send. You can keep track of these email errors to help troubleshoot issues. For more information, please reference instructions below.


How To Specify an Email Server

To specify an email server:

1. While in the appropriate organization, click the Settings tab. The Organization Settings page displays, showing the General tab.

2. Point to the Email tab and select Servers. The Email Server Settings section displays.


3. In the Email Server Settings section, set email server settings specific to your selected email server. For example:

    1. In the Email Server area, click the Configure a New Email Server radio button.
    2. In the Name This Server field, provide a title for the server.
    3. In the Email Host field, enter the name of the SMTP server (for example,
    4. In the Email Port field, enter the email port of the SMTP server (for example, 465).
    5. In the SSL or TLS field, select whether you would like to use the TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol for data encryption. By default, TLS is selected.

      Note: Some email servers may require that you use the SSL protocol for data encryption.

    6. In the Email Login field, enter login information (for example,
    7. In the Email Password field, enter the password for the email login.
    8. In the Email From Name field, enter the display name from which you want emails to be sent (for example, Administrator).
    9. In the Email From Address field, enter the display email address from which you want emails to be sent.  


4. When you are finished, click the Save button.

Specify Email Server - Gmail

To establish a Gmail Email Server connection to vBoxxCloud, navigate to Organisation Settings > Email > Servers and configure the options as demonstrated in the example below. Make sure to replace the placeholder data with your own details.

  • Name this server: Describe the server with a name.
  • Email Host:
  • Email Port: 587
  • SSL or TLS: TLS
  • Email Login: Enter the login credentials of the hosted mailbox being used, e.g.
  • Email Password: (Enter your Email password, not your regular Gmail password. See below how to create it)

How to create an Email Password for Gmail?

  1. Sign in to your Google Account and select Security:
  2. Under "Signing in to Google," select 2-Step Verification.
  3. At the bottom of the page, select App passwords.
  4. Enter a name that helps you remember where you'll use the app password (e.g., "vBoxxCloud").
  5. Select Generate.
  6. A 16-character code will be displayed. This will be your Email password.
  7. Now go to Organisation settings > Email > Servers and enter the Email Password.

Specify Email Server - Microsoft 365

To establish a Microsoft 365 Email Server connection to vBoxxCloud, navigate to Organisation Settings > Email > Servers and configure the options as demonstrated in the example below. Make sure to replace the placeholder data with your own Login and Email password.

  • Name this server: Describe the server with a name.
  • Email Host:
  • Email Port: 587
  • SSL or TLS: TLS
  • Email Login: Enter the login credentials of the hosted mailbox being used, e.g.
  • Email Password: (Enter your Email password, not your regular Microsoft password. See below how to create it)

How to create an Email Password for Microsoft 365?

  1. Sign in to your Microsoft account and select Security:
  2. Once you’re at the security tab, select Add Method from the security info section.
  3. Select App Passwords from the list, and click Add.
  4. Enter a name that helps you remember where you'll use the app password (e.g., "vBoxxCloud").
  5. A password will generate. This will be your Email password.
  6. Now go to Organisation settings > Email > Servers and enter the Email Password.

How To Troubleshoot Email Errors

To ensure that your outbound emails are being sent, you can use the Email Log to troubleshoot errors. To review email errors:

1. While in the appropriate organization, point to the Email tab and select Email Log. The Email Logdisplays.

2. In the Email Server drop-down menu, select the name of the email server you want to review. The page will expand to display any errors connected with that email server.

3. Use the Date column to help you understand when these errors occurred. You can then review the Error column to view specific information related to the email error. Use these logs to help troubleshoot email server issues.

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