E-mail Signature

vBoxxConnect - Email Signature

An email signature is a piece of text that is automatically added to the bottom of an email. Signatures can include the sender's name, address, phone number, logo, disclaimer, and other contact information. vBoxxConnect also provides the option to create signatures in an HTML format that can include formatted text, links, images, and more.

Create Signature in vBoxxConnect

Follow the steps below to create an email signature:

  1. Log in to connect.vboxx.nl and navigate to Settings > Signatures.
  2. Under Signatures, click on New Signature.
  3. - Name: Enter the name of the signature.
    - Signature: In the text box, enter the text and other elements you want in your signature.
    - To select additional options, click on the "+" icon.
  4. Once the signature is complete, click Save.


Mapped Field

Under Mapped Field, you can assign a signature to your mailbox, email aliases, domain aliases configured for your account, and any SMTP accounts. Important to know: If your domain administrator requires signatures for all user accounts, domain aliases, and email aliases within the domain, you may not have control over the signature for these addresses. If multiple signatures are available, you can manually change the used signature by selecting a new one from the Signature menu in the Settings window.

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